===================================================== XT连接TSI更改日志 ===================================================== 版本47(2018年4月25日 ) -------------------------------- * 第一个版本生产 ______________________________________________________________ 48版(2018年4月26日 ) -------------------------------- * 提高故障检测在上传一个文件到TSI和提供一个选项来中止。______________________________________________________________ 版本49(2018年5月29日 ) -------------------------------- * 固定的问题当超过10额外键kaypad补充道。______________________________________________________________ 版本50(2018年6月20日 ) -------------------------------- * 固定问题,屏幕可以显示触摸校准后的垃圾。______________________________________________________________ 版本51(2018年6月21日 ) -------------------------------- * 序号改为UID和添加新键盘序列号字段信息的屏幕。______________________________________________________________ 版本52(2018年9月4日 ) -------------------------------- * 固定锁住,如果诊断屏幕显示没有一个有效的序列号被设置。______________________________________________________________ 56版(2018年12月4日 ) -------------------------------- * 固定一个在画的问题。*添加内联控制代码来改变文本的颜色。*修正了窗口水平滚动时弹出的位置。*约束弹出项目选择边界列表区域。*添加标题到消息框。 * Added red and green colour options to the message box via '!' and '*' as first character of the title. ______________________________________________________________ VERSION 88 (17th May 2019) -------------------------------- * Fixed issue where screen horizontal scroll bar was displayed if a line was too wide for the drop list. * Added auto-size option to edit fields and drop lists so they can expand to show more text. * Added ellipsis to edit fields and drop list when text continues past the right edge of the control. * Added option for frames to be displayed as header lines. * Fixed issue where last character was not displayed if data width was exactly the same as the control width. * Fixed issue where TSI would not complete the bootup if no memory card was detected. * Added support for a new mode that returns the tilt angle. * Added new command that returns the free storage space. * Added support for image files (upload and display). * Added built in icons for status information. * Added support for button up notification. * Added support for generating QR codes. * Added support to start touch calibration by flipping screen face down for 3 seconds then face up for 3 seconds and repeating 3 times. * Added support to display diagnostics screen by holding the screen in portrait mode for 5 seconds. * Changed the alpha key pad to include numerals along top row. * Added support for tooltip messages on images. * Added support for tooltip on truncated text. * Added support for scrolling text on the status line. ______________________________________________________________ VERSION 90 (1st September 2020) ---------------------------------- * Fixed horizontal scrolling issues. * Reduced edit box horizontal margins when no lines are drawn. VERSION 94 (18th August 2021) ---------------------------------- * Added Large Number option. VERSION 95 (16th December 2021) ---------------------------------- * Fix scroll to bottom command